Vejledning om genbrug af emballage
Hos Esselte arbejder vi på at reducere den emballage vi bruger så meget som muligt, og på at gøre den emballage vi har så genanvendelig som muligt.
Det er nemt at genanvende emballage, når den er fremstillet af enkelte materialetyper, og du kan nemt lægge forskellige materialer i de rigtige genbrugskasser/-containere.
Vi har markeret vores emballagematerialer med ikonerne for standardmaterialetyper, og nedenfor kan du se, hvordan disse forskellige materialetyper kan genanvendes.
Hvis du vil vide mere om genanvendelse af affald, kan du finde yderligere information HER.
Packaging type / part
Packaging part description
Material type(s)
How to recycle
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Material type(s)
Card / Corrugated board

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Printed insert paper
Material type(s)
Paper / card

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Plastic bag / shrink
Material type(s)

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Printed insert card
Material type(s)
Paper / Card

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Plastic box / clam pack
Material type(s)

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Corner protection piece
Material type(s)
Paper / Card

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions
Packaging type / part

Packaging part description
Corner protection piece
Material type(s)

How to recycle
Please check with your local authority for exact local recycling instructions